Ganer Opare, a popular daily soap produced by Prosenjit Chatterjee's production house Ideas. The story of this soap is based on Rabindra Sangeet and its modern adaptation by the young bengalish. I am following Ganer Opare for last few months and I have decided to write about few selected scenes that mesmerised me and thousands of fans.
Now, here is the first installment by Kolkata Videos about first love of Gora and Pupe right from the vault of Ganer Opare.
This video described the earlier days when Gora and Pupe (Lead pair of Ganer Opare) discovering their feeling and attraction towards each other. Pupe was in two minds about Gora and Prodipto. On the other hand Gora does not know that these feelings actually call love. Pupe tries to hide her feeling but ended up expressing every thing by singing "Ami tomar preme hobo sobar". Gora thinks that he has found his goal but Pupe runs towards Prodipto. Jhinuk and Tintin also find their feelings while drenched in rain.
kono katha habe na